On-site compensation (OSC) for the Focus Premium

On-site compensation (OSC) is a process that tests and improves the angular accuracy of the scanner by measuring and correcting small inconsistencies in how the scanner measures the environment

What is OSC? On-site compensation (OSC) is a process that tests and improves the angular accuracy of the scanner by measuring and correcting small inconsistencies in how the scanner measures the environment. These

inconsistencies are then compensated for in the scanner's software. With the Focus Premium, you can run the compensation directly from your phone using the FARO Stream app to establish the best possible accuracy

When would you perform the OSC? If possible, every project.

Best Practices:

  • Use a room without moving objects or the presence of other people.
  • Avoid reflective services.
  • The tripod is placed on a stable, flat surface.
  • Tripod is stable and level and does not move during scanning.


If you have a Focus S scanner, you can run the the on-site compensation using this video: