Troubleshooting for +/- 1mm Results

Are you not getting the +/- 1mm results that FARO specifies? Try using the troubleshooting instructions below we used to test scan some patio furniture with the help of FARO. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.

STEP 1: Firstly, make sure that your Freestyle 2 Scene capture is up to date. To confirm you have the latest hardware please go to Settings > Administration and confirm it states version 2022.2.0.10373. If you do not have the latest hardware please use the following link to update: Latest version of SCENE.

STEP 2: The 2nd step in the process is to complete the onsite compensation. Please grab the target plate to complete this step. Go to Tools > On-site Compensation and follow the instructions. When you see a green 4 stay in the location you are at and let the scanner count down. This count down confirms you are in the right location it wants for the compensation.

STEP 3: Next, before you create your project and start scanning, complete white balancing. To do this, use a blank piece of computer paper. This is also in Tools > White Balancing.

For my scan settings I did two scans at 5m, then a few more at 3m and 4m. I tried out 8m to see what the scanner would pick up but it was trying to pick up my house more then the furniture so I deleted that scan.

After processing the data on the Mobil PC, bring it to your laptop to check the registration. You may have to try a few different scenarios - as you may not get a very tight registration when you use targets. Try switching top view and cloud to cloud. Using Scans 1 and 2, then scan the entire scan area and completed the registration. We tested on patio furniture and our result was 2.8mm. for the distance of roughly 2.4M this would be the expected accuracy from the spec chart.

FARO_scanningAccuracy1 FARO_scanningAccuracy2

Accuracy Chart


We did a 3rd overall scan to see how the accuracy would hold up. With three scans overall the data the same accuracy.

FARO_scanningAccuracy4 FARO_scanningAccuracy5

We also tried the method of scanning partial scans and the error was at 1.8mm which also falls into the accuracy chart

FARO_scanningAccuracy6 FARO_scanningAccuracy7

If you can capture the entire area in one scan that would reduce the need for registration.  If you have a larger area you want to register together we suggest using cloud to cloud over targets. We find that it is usually tighter registration as it compares the entire point cloud together rather then the 20 points we have from targets. We recommended updating scene capture as well as doing a color balance.